
Affinity Answers Featured in Bill Harvey’s Series on the Future of Across-Screen Advertising

Media research pioneer Bill Harvey discusses “The Future of Across-Screen Advertising” in a new four-part series. In the recently published conclusion, Bill provides more detail on a presentation he delivered alongside CBS Corp.’s David Poltrack at this year’s ARF Audience Measurement conference.

Bill cites Affinity Answers and its methodology of calculating mutual affinity between brands and TV shows, as the “first opportunity in history to apply a big data emotional variable in TV media selection.” He goes on to include affinity as one of four factors that can be used to match TV programs and advertisers for maximized potential ROI.

Read Bill’s piece on MediaBizBloggers to discover how mutual affinity determined in part that Ziploc would be a prime advertiser for CBS drama NCIS, as well as other great insights.

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