The latest on Affinity Answers in the news
For Brands, Social Affinity Makes Everyday Election Day
November 4, 2016
There are less than four days left until Americans pick...
ActivationPlanner™ FAQ
November 1, 2016
FAQ Contents GENERAL QUESTIONS What is the ActivationPlanner™? Where do...
Introducing ActivationPlanner™
October 28, 2016
This week, Affinity Answers is pleased to announce the launch...
F1 Racing is Fast, But is it Swift?
October 20, 2016
This weekend Formula One (F1) racing makes its only US...
Affinities are All About Content, Context and Location
October 7, 2016
The Internet of Things will undoubtedly benefit from affinity-based targeting...
Are You Ready for Some Football (Brands)?
October 3, 2016
With the exception of tonight’s Giants / Vikings game on...
AffinityAnswers in Oracle Data Cloud’s “The Data Source” magazine
September 27, 2016
AffinityAnswers is excited to be featured in Oracle Data Cloud’s The...
What do you mean I can’t buy ads during the top Emmy Award winning shows?!?!
September 20, 2016
Like last year HBO, was the big winner at last...
How to Tailgate Like a Southern Football Fanatic (Using Mutual Affinities)
September 16, 2016
As a southerner, I spend a disproportionate amount of my...
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